Claudio Constantini očarao publiku u intimnom ambijentu Ville Banac

Virtuoznost svjetskih pozornica na Epidaurus Cavtat Festivalu

Uspješan koncert Claudia Constantinija, jednog od rijetkih svjetski poznatih majstora bandoneona, održan je ovog petka u intimnoj atmosferi Ville Banac, posebno uređenoj za ovu prigodu u umjetničkom dekoru. U okviru programa “DE EPIDAURO / Čarobnjak bandoneona”, publika je imala jedinstvenu priliku uživati u emotivnoj i strastvenoj izvedbi virtuoznog multinistrumentalista, koji je tijekom koncerta, kroz ‘crtice’ između djela, pojašnjavao svoj odabir
ovog rijetkog instrumenta, govorio o tome što ga je inspiriralo kroz život i kako su ga roditelji poticali na glazbeni put.

Njegova svjetska reputacija vrhunskog izvođača, koju je izgradio nastupajući u više od 30 zemalja i osvajajući prestižne nagrade poput Global Music Award 2021. godine te nominacije za Latin Grammy 2019. godine, bila je poseban motiv za posjetiti ovaj događaj.

Constantini je tijekom večeri izveo pažljivo odabrana djela, pružajući duboko emotivno putovanje kroz različite glazbene stilove. Na repertoaru su se našla djela J.S. Bacha, uključujući Prelude in G Major, bwv.1007 i monumentalnu Chaconne iz Partite br. 2, bwv.1004, dok su strast i melankolija Astora Piazzolle oživjele kroz izvedbe Adiós Nonino i Oblivion. Publika je uživala u zvucima tanga s djelima Carlosa Gardela, kao i u originalnim skladbama poput La Foule/Reminiscencias, La Valse Perdu i Valse des Adieux. Program je zaključen impresivnom izvedbom Bachove Toccate i fuge u d-molu, bwv.565, čime je završena večer glazbenih bravura i dubokih emocija.

Constantini, kao jedan od rijetkih svjetskih bandoneonista, donio je na Epidaurus Cavtat Festival nešto uistinu posebno – koncert prožet suptilnim emocijama i nevjerojatnom tehničkom preciznošću. Izvedba nije bila samo tehnička demonstracija virtuoznosti, već i intiman glazbeni trenutak. Publika je imala priliku saznati mnoge tehničke zanimljivosti o instrumentu i njegovim mogućnostima. Nakon koncerta, umjetnička direktorica Epidaurus Cavtat Festivala, pijanistica
Ivana Marija Vidović, i Claudio Constantini održali su zanimljiv razgovor, u kojem se umjetnik prisjetio svojih početaka, inspiracija i ideja. Nadamo se da će se ovaj izvanredni umjetnik uskoro vratiti u Hrvatsku!

Ukratko, publika je bila počašćena ne samo virtuoznim izvedbama, već i osjećajem bliskosti i intimnosti koje rijetko koji umjetnik može pružiti na tako poseban način. Constantini je još jednom potvrdio zašto ga mnogi smatraju jednim od najvažnijih izvođača klasične i suvremene glazbe današnjice, a publika je s festivala otišla duboko dirnuta, obogaćena jedinstvenim glazbenim iskustvom.


Claudio Constantini captivated the audience in the intimate setting of Villa Banac

The virtuosity of a world-renowned bandoneon master at the Epidaurus Cavtat Festival

The successful concert of Claudio Constantini, one of the few world-renowned masters of the bandoneon, took place this Friday in the intimate atmosphere of Villa Banac, specially decorated for this occasion with an artistic touch. As part of the ´DE EPIDAURO / The miracle of bandoneón programme, the audience had a unique opportunity to enjoy the emotional and passionate performance of the virtuosic multiinstrumentalist and composer, who, during the concert, shared insights between the pieces about his choice of this rare instrument, what inspired him throughout his life, and how his parents supported his musical journey.

His global reputation as a top performer, built by performing in more than 30 countries and winning prestigious awards such as the 2021 Global Music Award and a 2019 Latin Grammy nomination, was a special incentive to attend this event.

Throughout the evening, Constantini performed carefully selected pieces, taking the audience on a deeply emotional journey through various musical styles. The repertoire included works by J.S. Bach, such as Prelude in G Major, bwv.1007 and the monumental Chaconne from Partita No. 2, bwv.1004, while the passion and melancholy of Astor Piazzolla came alive through performances of Adiós Nonino and Oblivion. The audience also enjoyed the emotional sounds of tango with pieces by Carlos Gardel, as well as original compositions like La Foule/Reminiscencias, La Valse Perdu, and Valse des Adieux. The program concluded with an impressive performance of Bach´s Toccata and Fugue in D minor, bwv.565, bringing the evening of musical brilliance and deep
emotions to a close.

Constantini, as one of the few bandoneonists in the world, brought something truly special to the Epidaurus Cavtat Festival—a concert filled with subtle emotions and incredible technical precision. The performance was not just a technical showcase of virtuosity but also an intimate musical moment. The audience also had the opportunity to learn many technical details about the instrument and its capabilities. After the concert, the artistic director of the Epidaurus Cavtat Festival, pianist Ivana Marija Vidović, and Claudio Constantini held an engaging conversation in which the artist reminisced about his beginnings, inspirations, and ideas. We hope this exceptional artist will soon return to Croatia!

In short, the audience was honored not only by the virtuoso performances but also by the sense of closeness and intimacy that few artists can provide in such a special way. Constantini once again confirmed why many consider him one of the most important performers of classical and contemporary music today, and the audience left the festival deeply moved, enriched by a unique musical experience.

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