He made his Italian debut in 70s thanks to some very important international competitions he was awarded in, like the “Ferruccio Busoni”, the “Dino Ciani”, the “Ettore Pozzoli” the “Rina Sala Gallo”, the “Cata Monti”, the “Beethoven” in Wien, the “Reine Elisabeth” in Bruxelles, the “Liszt-Bartok” in Budapest and the “Paloma O’Shea” in Santander, achieving three absolute first prizes, two second prizes and several other special mentions.
Afterwards he started a prestigious piano concert career, performing in the most important theatres worldwide – among them the Sala Philarmonia in Kiev, the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London, the Park Musik Hall in Dallas, the Musikverein in Wien, the Teatro Colòn in Buenos Aires.
Nowadays Daniel Rivera is widely renowned and highly esteemed worldwide within the piano concert landscape, considered a pioneer of piano challenges and a performer of programs and works very rarely played; this interest hit the highest spots in 2002, when he presented – in a world premiere performance – his transcription of the “Rite of Spring” by Stravinsky confirming once again his extraordinary technique and interpretative skills.
This impressive and worldwide unique transcription captured the interest of Martha Argerich, who personally invited Rivera to the “Progetto Martha Argerich” in Lugano, where he performed in June 2009. Since that time, the link with the legendary Argentinian pianist turned into an intense artistic cooperation. With Martha Argerich, Daniel Rivera performed in piano duo (two pianos and piano 4 hands) at the Teatro Ponchielli in Cremona, at the Teatro Lirico in Cagliari, at the Politeama Theatre in Catanzaro, at the Teatro Nuovo Giovanni di Udine, at the Piano Festival of Pietrasanta and Ascoli Piceno, up the legendary concerts on 19th and 20th October 2012, at the Teatro El Circulo of Rosario (Argentina) – four CDs have been released in June 2014, edited and distributed by IRCO in Buenos Aires – and for the inauguration of the Petrarca Theatre in Arezzo on December 2015, and the prestigious “Greek Theater” of Taormina (Sicily) in August 2019.
Still for IRCO Cosentino in Buenos Aires he recorded two CDs with Franz Liszt Opera transcriptions and paraphrases, as well as the 12 Trascendental Studies. Jury member within some relevant international piano competitions, Daniel Rivera is extremely keen of teaching: besides his faculty chair at the “Istituto di Alta Cultura Musicale Pietro Mascagni” in Livorno untill 2018, at “Accademia Strata” in Pisa, at the “Academy of the Arts” in Sarzana and at the “Musica Ritrovata” Academy in Livorno, he is frequently invited to hold several high piano courses and master classes in Italy and abroad, such as at UNR, University of Rosario (Argentina) Conservatory of Music in Udine, Parma, La Spezia, Bari, Monopoli, Trieste, Cosenza, Padova, Mantova, the Lemmeintitut in Leuven, Belgium, the “Summer Musical Holidays” in Urbino, the International Festival “Duchi d’Acquaviva” in Atri, “Via Francigena” International Arts Festival in Lucca, and the Livorno Music Festival, in Coimbra (Portogallo).
Born in 1952 in Rosario (Argentina). Thanks to the scholarship gained by winning the first prize “Vincenzo Scaramuzza” organized by the “National Fund for Arts” and the “Argentinian Mozarteum” in 1973 he moved to Italy where – under the direction of M°Alessandro Specchi – he achieved the Italian Diploma at the Cherubini Conservatory of Music in Florence with 10/10 cum laude grade and the honor mention. Then he completed his studies with M°Alessandro Specchi and Maria Tipo in Florence and with Ludwig Hoffman in Munich.
This concert at the 18th Epidaurus festival in Cavtat is maestro Rivera’s debút in Croatia.
Priznati argentinski pijanist Daniel Rivera debitirao je u Italiji 1970-ih nakon što je osvojio nekoliko prestižnih međunarodnih pijanističkih natjecanja, kao što su “Ferruccio Busoni”, “Dino Ciani”, “Ettore Pozzoli”, “Rina Sala Gallo”, “Cata Monti”, “Beethoven” (Beč), “Reine Elisabeth” (Bruxelles), “Liszt-Bartók” (Budimpešta) i “Paloma O'Shea” (Santander).
U svojoj karijeri postiže tri apsolutne prve nagrade, dvije druge nagrade i brojne posebne pohvale.Nakon ovih uspjeha, Rivera započinje prestižnu pijanističku karijeru, nastupajući u nekim od najpoznatijih kazališta na svijetu, uključujući Sala Philharmonia u Kijevu, Queen Elizabeth Hall u Londonu, Park Music Hall u Dallasu, Musikverein u Beču i Teatro Colón u Buenos Airesu.
Danas je Daniel Rivera vrlo cijenjen i međunarodno priznat u pijanističkom svijetu - itekako poznat po svom pionirskom pristupu pijanističkim izazovima i izvođenju rijetko sviranih djela.
Njegova je reputacija dosegla nove visine 2002. godine, kada je predstavio svoju transkripciju Stravinskijevog 'Posvećenja proljeća' u svjetskoj premijeri, demonstrirajući još jednom svoju izvanrednu tehniku i interpretativne vještine. Upravo ova impresivna i jedinstvena transkripcija
privukla je pažnju svjetski poznate pijanistice Marthe Argerich, koja je osobno pozvala Riveru da nastupi na "Progetto Martha Argerich" u Luganu u lipnju 2009. godine. Ova pozivnica označava početak intenzivne umjetničke suradnje dvoje iznimnih argentinskih glazbenika.
Zajedno su nastupali kao pijanistički duo (dva klavira i klavir četiri ruke) na brojnim prestižnim pozornicama, uključujući Teatro Ponchielli u Cremoni, Teatro Lirico u Cagliariju, Politeama Theatre u Catanzaru, Teatro Nuovo Giovanni di Udine i na pijanističkim festivalima u Pietrasanti i Ascoli Piceno. Njihovi legendarni koncerti 19. i 20. listopada 2012. u Teatro El Circulo u Rosariu, Argentina, rezultirali su izdavanjem četiri CD-a u lipnju 2014., koje je distribuirao IRCO
(Buenos Aires).
Također su zajedno nastupali na inauguraciji Teatro Petrarca u Arezzu u prosincu 2015. i u prestižnom Grčkom kazalištu u Taormini, Sicilija, u kolovozu 2019. Rivera je također snimio dva CD-a za IRCO Cosentino u Buenos Airesu - Operne transkripcije i parafraze te Transcendentalnih etida Franza Liszta.
Daniel Rivera član je žirija na istaknutim međunarodnim pijanističkim natjecanjima i strastven je pedagog. Osim što je do 2018. bio profesor na Istituto di Alta Cultura Musicale Pietro Mascagni u Livornu, predaje na Accademia Strata u Pisi, Academy of the Arts u Sarzani i na Akademiji Musica Ritrovata u Livornu. Često održava napredne pijanističke tečajeve i majstorske radionice u Italiji i inozemstvu, uključujući Sveučilište u Rosariju (UNR) u Argentini te različite konzervatorije u Udinama, Parmi, La Speziji, Bariju, Monopoliju, Trstu, Cosenzi, Padovi i Mantovi. Također je predavao na Lemmensinstituutu u Leuvenu, Belgija, na Ljetnim glazbenim praznicima u Urbinu, na Međunarodnom festivalu Duchi d'Acquaviva u Atri, na Via Francigena International Arts Festivalu u Lucci i na Livorno Music Festivalu u Coimbri, Portugal.
Također, trenutno je umjetnički direktor Premio Toscana Città di Cascina. Rivera često nastupa u klavirskim duetima (dva klavira i klavir četiri ruke) s Marthom Argerich, Gabrieleom Baldoccijem, Filippoom Balduccijem i Mishom Dacićem a zanimljivo je dodati i kako na svom YouTube kanalu ima više od 140 snimki uživo.
Iz biografije izdvajamo još kako je ovaj veliki pijanist rođen 1952. godine u Rosariju (argentina) te se 1973. godine preselio u Italiju nakon što je osvojio nagradu Vincenzo Scaramuzza, stipendiju koju su organizirali Nacionalni fond za umjetnost i Argentinski Mozarteum. Pod vodstvom maestra Alessandra Specchija stekao je talijansku diplomu na Konzervatoriju Cherubini u Firenci s ocjenom 10/10 cum laude i počasnom pohvalom. Kasnije je nastavio svoje studije s maestrom Alessandrom Specchijem i Mariom Tipo u Firenci te s Ludwigom Hoffmanom u Münchenu.
Koncert na Svečanom otvaranju 18. Epidaurus Cavtat Festivala označava debút maestra Daniela
Rivere u Hrvatskoj.