Vrhunske izvedbe u sklopu 18. Epidaurus Cavtat Festivala
Ove subote nastao je ‘Duo Epidaurus’, a nedjelja je u znaku ‘Dvije Raguse’ i ‘Gitarissima’
Ove subote, u sklopu 18. Epidaurus Cavtat Festivala, održan je dinamičan koncert dvojice iznimnih pijanista iz Italije – Alessandra Caponea i Rema Raimonda Mazzea. Koncert je održan u Domu kulture Cavtat, a Festival je još jednom pokazao svoju posvećenost pružanju raznolike i bogate lepeze umjetnika iz različitih dijelova svijeta i svih grana umjetnosti.

Publika, sastavljena mahom od ljubitelja klasične glazbe, imala je priliku uživati u vrhunskim izvedbama ovih talentiranih glazbenika.
Alessandro Capone, pijanist poznat po izvanrednom talentu i tehničkoj vještini, diplomirao je na prestižnom Konzervatoriju ‘San Pietro a Majella’ u Napulju te je međunarodno priznat zahvaljujući nastupima diljem Europe. Više o njegovom radu možete pronaći ovdje.
Remo Raimondo Mazzeo, pijanist rođen u Arianu Irpinu, Italija, poznat je po svojoj virtuoznosti i pedagoškom radu. S diplomom iz klavira s najvišim ocjenama, Mazzeo je ostvario uspjehe na mnogim međunarodnim natjecanjima te surađuje s renomiranim glazbenim institucijama. Njegova biografija dostupna je ovdje.
Nakon solo izvedbi, Capone i Mazzeo po prvi su put zajedno nastupili kao duo, pruživši nezaboravan zajednički nastup koji je oduševio publiku i zaokružio večer ispunjenu vrhunskom klasičnom glazbom. Oduševljena publika spontano je predložila da se ovaj pijanistički duo nazove ‘Duo Epidaurus’.
Epidaurus Cavtat Festival još je jednom dokazao svoju misiju promicanja klasične glazbe i talentiranih umjetnika, pružajući publici jedinstvene glazbene trenutke. Festival nastavlja s bogatim programom i očekuje nas još puno izvanrednih nastupa, dva već ovu nedjelju, 8. rujna.
Dvije Raguse/The two Ragusas, Posveta ženi/Homage to women/Omaggio alle donne
Glasovirski duo Diana Nocchiero & Vera Lizzio: Pianoforte za četiri ruke održat će se u Domu kulture s početkom u 20 sati, nakon čega slijedi, u 21 sat, ‘Gitarissimo’ Luciana Pompilija.
Vera Lizzio
Pijanistica Vera Lizzio započela je studij klavira u vrlo ranoj dobi, diplomirajući s najvišim ocjenama na Glazbenom institutu ‘V. Bellini’ u Cataniji. Nastavila je svoje obrazovanje i proširila repertoar s Laurom Palmieri i Vincenzom Balzanijem te stekla specijalizaciju II. stupnja, diplomiravši s počastima i počasnom pohvalom na Konzervatoriju ‘A. Corelli’ u Messini. Od početka svojih studija sudjelovala je na mnogim nacionalnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima za klavir i komornu glazbu, poput ‘Città di Osimo’, ‘A.M.A. Calabria’, ‘P. Avagliano’, ‘Città di Ruvo di Puglia’, ‘Benedetto Albanese’, ‘Luigi Paduano’, ‘SEILER Palermo’ i drugih, uvijek ostvarujući sjajne uspjehe.
Lizzio ima bogatu koncertnu karijeru, nastupajući kao solistica te u komornim sastavima. Pozivana je od strane važnih glazbenih institucija u Italiji i inozemstvu, primjerice od Talijanskog kulturnog instituta u Bruxellesu gdje je nastupala na prestižnim mjestima kao što su Auditorium Kauffman u Bruxellesu, Sala Verdi Konzervatorija u Milanu, Amfiteatar Valle degli Dei i na obalama slanog jezera na Sinajskoj poluotoku. Trenutno je profesorica klavira na Konzervatoriju ‘A. Corelli’ u Messini.
Diana Nocchiero
Diana Nocchiero diplomirala je na Državnom konzervatoriju glazbe ‘A. Vivaldi’ u Novari, Italija, gdje je studirala s Adrianom Vasilacheom, Vincenzom Balzanijem, Walterom Krafftom i Mariom Delli Pontijem. Intenzivno nastupa kao solistica i s raznim ansamblima, te je gostovala kao umjetnica s Nacionalnim orkestrom Malte, London Music Arts Strings Orchestra, orkestrom I Maestri (London), Montrealskim orkestrom Philharmonique du Nouveau Monde, Virtuosi iz
Praga, Državnom filharmonijom Bacau (Rumunjska), Državnom filharmonijom Ramnicu Valcea (Rumunjska), Državnom filharmonijom Ploiesti (Rumunjska), Državnom filharmonijom Vidin (Bugarska), Državnom filharmonijom Shumen (Bugarska), Državnom filharmonijom Kharkov (Ukrajina) i Buenos Aires J.S. Bach orkestrom.
Diana Nocchiero nastupala je diljem Europe, Kanade, Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, Japana, Singapura, Indonezije, Argentine, Urugvaja i drugih zemalja. Nastupala je na prestižnim mjestima poput Manoel Theatre u Valletti (Malta), St. Martin in the Fields (London), St. John Smith Square (London), St. Merry (Pariz), Cité internationale universitaire (Pariz), New York University (New York), Klavierhaus (New York), Steinway Hall (New York), ORF – Radiokulturhaus (Beč) i drugima. Njezini koncerti emitirani su na raznim radiotelevizijskim postajama u Italiji i inozemstvu, uključujući BBC u Engleskoj, ORF u Austriji, RTVE u Španjolskoj, TRT 3 u Turskoj i brojnim drugim mrežama.
Nerijetko je članica žirija na nacionalnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima, kao i učiteljica na raznim majstorskim tečajevima u Italiji i inozemstvu.
GITARISSIMO: Luciano Pompilio, gitara – sjećanje na Antu Skaramucu
Luciano Pompilio diplomirao je s počastima klasičnu gitaru na Konzervatoriju glazbe ‘U. Giordano’ u Foggiji, Italija, istodobno stekavši postdiplomski stupanj analizirajući Brittenov “Nocturnal” na Humanističkom fakultetu u Bologni, Italija. Maestro Pompilio osvojio je 15 prvih nagrada na gitarističkim natjecanjima i stigao do finalnih krugova na više od 25 natjecanja.
Njegov rad u duetu s Maestrom Giuseppeom Caputom nagrađen je prvom nagradom na natjecanju ‘Montelimar’ u Francuskoj, koje se smatra najprestižnijim natjecanjem za gitarske due na svijetu. Luciano i Giuseppe bili su prvi Talijani koji su postigli ovaj izvanredan uspjeh.
U nedavnom posjetu Paragvaju, Maestro Pompilio dobio je nagradu ‘Premio Republica’, jednu od najprestižnijih civilnih nagrada u Latinskoj Americi. Smatra se jednim od najboljih izvođača glazbe legendarnog paragvajskog skladatelja Agustina Pio Barriosa Mangoréa. Izdao je devet CD- ova, a CD ‘Tribute’ dospio je na top 30 listu izdanja iTunes top 200 u Kanadi i Njemačkoj.
Maestro Pompilio nekoliko je puta gostovao u Europi, Aziji i Americi. Umjetnički je direktor Međunarodnog gitarističkog festivala ‘Città di Manfredonia’ i Sezone komorne glazbe ‘In Concerto’ u San Giovanni Rotondu.

Top performances at the 18th Epidaurus Cavtat Festival
After amazing piano performances, Sunday features ‘Two Ragusas’ and ‘Guitarissimo’
During the 18th Epidaurus Cavtat Festival second week, a dynamic concert took place featuring two exceptional Italian pianists – Alessandro Capone and Remo Raimondo Mazzeo, held at the Cavtat Cultural Center. The Festival once again demonstrated its dedication to showcasing a diverse array of artists from various parts of the world and all branches of art.
The audience, composed mostly of classical music lovers, had the opportunity to enjoy superb performances by these talented musicians. Alessandro Capone, a pianist known for his extraordinary talent and technical skill, graduated from the prestigious San Pietro a Majella Conservatory in Naples and has earned international recognition through performances across Europe. More about his work can be found here.
Remo Raimondo Mazzeo, a pianist born in Ariano Irpino, Italy, is known for his virtuosity and pedagogical work. With a piano degree with the highest marks, Mazzeo has achieved success in many international competitions and collaborates with renowned music institutions. His biography is available here.
After solo performances, Capone and Mazzeo performed together for the first time as a duo, delivering an unforgettable joint performance that delighted the audience and rounded off an evening filled with outstanding classical music. The thrilled audience spontaneously suggested that this piano duo should be named ‘Duo Epidaurus.’
The Epidaurus Cavtat Festival once again proved its mission of promoting classical music and talented artists, offering the audience unique musical moments. The festival continues with a rich program, with two more extraordinary performances already on Sunday, September 8.
Two Ragusas/The Two Ragusas, A Tribute to Women/Homage to Women/Omaggio alle Donne –
Piano duo Diana Nocchiero & Vera Lizzio: Pianoforte for Four Hands will be held at the Cultural Center starting at 8 PM, followed at 9 PM by ‘Guitarissimo’ by Luciano Pompilio.
Vera Lizzio
Pianist Vera Lizzio began her piano studies at an early age, graduating with top marks from the ‘V. Bellini’ Music Institute in Catania. She continued her education and expanded her repertoire with Laura Palmieri and Vincenzo Balzani, and obtained a second-level specialization, graduating with honors and a commendation from the ‘A. Corelli’ Conservatory in Messina. Since the beginning of her studies, she has participated in numerous national and international competitions for piano and chamber music, such as ‘Città di Osimo,’ ‘A.M.A. Calabria,’ ‘P. Avagliano,’ ‘Città di Ruvo di Puglia,’ ‘Benedetto Albanese,’ ‘Luigi Paduano,’ ‘SEILER Palermo,’ and others, always achieving excellent results.
Lizzio has a rich concert career, performing as a soloist and in chamber ensembles. She has been invited by major music institutions in Italy and abroad, for example by the Italian Cultural Institute in Brussels, where she has performed in prestigious venues such as the Kauffman Auditorium in Brussels, Sala Verdi at the Conservatory of Milan, Amphitheater Valle degli Dei, and on the shores of the salt lake on the Sinai Peninsula. She is currently a piano professor at the
‘A. Corelli’ Conservatory in Messina.
Diana Nocchiero
Diana Nocchiero graduated from the State Conservatory of Music ‘A. Vivaldi’ in Novara, Italy, where she studied with Adriana Vasilache, Vincenzo Balzani, Walter Krafft, and Mario Delli Ponti. She performs intensively as a soloist and with various ensembles, and has performed as a guest artist with the National Orchestra of Malta, the London Music Arts Strings Orchestra, the I Maestri Orchestra (London), the Montreal Philharmonic Orchestra du Nouveau Monde, Virtuosi from Prague, the Bacau State Philharmonic (Romania), the Ramnicu Valcea State Philharmonic (Romania), the Ploiesti State Philharmonic (Romania), the Vidin State Philharmonic (Bulgaria), the Shumen State Philharmonic (Bulgaria), the Kharkov State Philharmonic (Ukraine), and the Buenos Aires J.S. Bach Orchestra.
Diana Nocchiero has performed across Europe, Canada, the United States, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Argentina, Uruguay, and other countries. She has performed at prestigious venues such as the Manoel Theatre in Valletta (Malta), St. Martin in the Fields (London), St. John Smith Square (London), St. Merry (Paris), Cité internationale universitaire (Paris), New York University (New York), Klavierhaus (New York), Steinway Hall (New York), ORF – Radiokulturhaus
(Vienna), and others. Her concerts have been broadcast on various radio and television stations in Italy and abroad, including the BBC in England, ORF in Austria, RTVE in Spain, TRT 3 in Turkey, and many other networks.
She is often a jury member at national and international competitions, as well as a teacher at various masterclasses in Italy and abroad.
Guitarissimo: Luciano Pompilio, Guitar – In Memory of Ante Skaramuca
Luciano Pompilio
Luciano Pompilio graduated with honors in classical guitar from the ‘U. Giordano’ Conservatory of Music in Foggia, Italy, simultaneously earning a postgraduate degree by analyzing Britten’s “Nocturnal” at the Faculty of Humanities in Bologna, Italy. Maestro Pompilio has won 15 first prizes at guitar competitions and reached the final rounds at over 25 competitions.
His work in a duo with Maestro Giuseppe Caputo was awarded first prize at the ‘Montelimar’ competition in France, which is considered the most prestigious competition for guitar duos in the world. Luciano and Giuseppe were the first Italians to achieve this outstanding success.
During a recent visit to Paraguay, Maestro Pompilio received the ‘Premio Republica’ award, one of the most prestigious civilian awards in Latin America. He is considered one of the best performers of the music of the legendary Paraguayan composer Agustín Pío Barrios Mangoré. He has released nine CDs, and his CD ‘Tribute’ reached the top 30 on the iTunes Top 200 chart in Canada and Germany.
Maestro Pompilio has performed several times in Europe, Asia, and America. He is the artistic director of the International Guitar Festival ‘Città di Manfredonia’ and the Chamber Music Season ‘In Concerto’ in San Giovanni Rotondo.