Masterclass i izložba: Izvrstan zaključak prvog vikenda Epidaurus Cavtat Festivala

Ivana Marija Vidović: 'Spona između glazbe i slikarstva je tanka kao veo, jedno drugom šapuću i nadopunjuju se'

Za kraj prvog vikenda Epidaurus Cavtat Festivala 1. rujna, u Domu kulture Cavtat održan je majstorski tečaj pod vodstvom renomiranog pijanista Daniela Rivere, otvoren za javnost.Nika Ružarija Orepić, Sara Crnjak, Sanja Čuić i Paula Jadrušić – izvrsne talentirane glazbenice – imale
su priliku usavršavati se pod mentorstvom ovog svjetski priznatog pijanista.

Rivera je izrazio ne samo divljenje talentu mladih glazbenica, već i i izrazio želju za nastavkom ovakvih radionica u budućnosti, istaknuvši mogućnost organizacije višednevnih masterclassova upravo pod kapom umjetničke direkcije Epidaurus Cavtat Festivala.

Nakon majstorskog tečaja, u 21 sat uslijedilo je svečano otvaranje izložbe ‘Boje glazbe’, koju je pripremila Dubrovačka udruga likovnih umjetnika (DuLU). Ova izložba predstavlja treći ovogodišnji projekt Udruge i četvrtu izložbu u sklopu Epidaurus Cavtat Festivala kao rezultat dugogodišnje i vrlo bliske suradnje.

Predsjednik DuLU-a, Valter Kožul, čestitao je umjetničkoj direktorici Festivala, Ivani Mariji Vidović, na 18 godina uspješnog rada i šest godina plodne suradnje s Udrugom.

Slikari, dok rade, često slušaju glazbu koja na njih ima dubok utjecaj, a izložba ‘Boje glazbe’ savršen je prikaz tog utjecaja – među ostalim je naglasio Kožul, dodajući da je fokus izložbe portret konavoske dive Tereze Kesovije, uz druga umjetnička djela članova Udruge.

Spona između glazbe i slikarstva je tanka kao veo, jedno drugom šapuću i nadopunjuju se, dajući nadu da plemstvo duha i duše još nije iščezlo – istaknula je pak pijanistica Ivana Marija Vidović, umjetnička direktorica Festivala, tijekom svečanog otvaranja izložbe.

Zahvaljujući Festivalu, Cavtat ostaje pravo središte vrhunskih glazbenih događanja, a nadolazeći vikend (6., 7. i 8. rujna) donosi niz zanimljivih koncerata koji će zadovoljiti sve ljubitelje klasične glazbe.

Tako 6. rujna u Domu kulture Cavtat nastupa poznati francuski pijanist Pierre-Laurent Boucharlat s recitalom ‘Klavirske nijanse’. Njegova izvedba, koja počinje u 20 sati, obećava nezaboravan početak novog glazbenog vikenda.

Već sutradan, 7. rujna, također u Domu kulture Cavtat, s početkom u 19 sati, održat će se koncert ‘Mladi talenti XVIII Epidaurusa’. Na ovom koncertu nastupit će dvojica mladih i talentiranih talijanskih pijanista, Alessandro Capone i Remo Raimondo Mazzeo, pružajući publici užitak u izvedbama nadolazećih zvijezda klasične glazbe.

Koncert pod nazivom ‘Dvije Raguse – Posveta ženi’ predstavit će glasovirski duo Diana Nocchiero i Vera Lizzio 8. rujna u 20 sati. Nakon toga, u 21 sat, publika će imati priliku uživati u gitarskom koncertu ‘Gitarissimo’, u izvedbi Luciana Pompilia. Ovaj koncert bit će posvećen sjećanju na profesora Antu Skaramucu, dodajući emocionalnu dimenziju večeri.

Epidaurus Cavtat Festival poziva sve ljubitelje glazbe da nam se pridruže u ovim posebnim večerima i uživaju u nezaboravnim glazbenim trenucima u prekrasnom ambijentu Cavtata.

Excellent End to the First Weekend of the Epidaurus Cavtat Festival
Masterclass with maestro Daniel Rivera & ‘Colors of Music’


To conclude the first weekend of the Epidaurus Cavtat Festival, on September 1st, a masterclass was held at the Cavtat Cultural Centre, led by renowned pianist Daniel Rivera, open to the public. Nika Ružarija Orepić, Sara Crnjak, Sanja Čuić, and Paula Jadrušić – exceptionally talented musicians – had the opportunity to refine their skills under the mentorship of this world-renowned pianist.

Rivera not only expressed admiration for the talent of the young musicians but also voiced his desire to continue hosting similar workshops in the future, highlighting the possibility of organizing multi-day masterclasses under the artistic direction of the Epidaurus Cavtat Festival.

After the masterclass, at 9 p.m., the grand opening of the exhibition ‘Colors of Music’ by the Dubrovnik Association of Visual Artists (DuLU), took place. This exhibition represents the Association’s third project this year and the fourth exhibition as part of the Epidaurus Cavtat Festival, the result of a long-standing and close collaboration.

The President of DuLU, Valter Kožul, congratulated the Festival’s artistic director, Ivana Marija Vidović, on 18 years of successful work and six years of fruitful collaboration with the Association.

Artists often listen to music while they work, and it deeply influences them. The ‘Colors of Music’ exhibition is a perfect reflection of this influence – Kožul noted, adding that the exhibition’s focus is a portrait of the Konavle diva Tereza Kesovija, alongside other artworks by members of the Association.

The connection between music and painting is delicate; they whisper to each other and complement one another, giving hope that the nobility of spirit and soul has not yet disappeared – pianist Ivana Marija Vidović, the Festival’s artistic director, noted during the exhibition’s opening evening.

Thanks to the Festival, Cavtat remains a true center of exceptional musical events, and the upcoming weekend (September 6th, 7th, and 8th) will feature a series of exciting concerts that will delight all lovers of classical music.

On September 6th, at the Cavtat Cultural Centre, renowned French pianist Pierre-Laurent Boucharlat will perform a recital titled Piano Nuances. His performance, starting at 8 p.m., promises an unforgettable beginning to a new musical weekend.

The following day, September 7th, also at the Cavtat Cultural Centre, a concert titled Young Talents of the 18th Epidaurus will take place at 7 p.m. This concert will feature two young and talented Italian pianists, Alessandro Capone and Remo Raimondo Mazzeo, offering the audience the pleasure of enjoying performances by the rising stars of classical music.

The concert The Two Ragusas – Tribute to Women will be performed by the piano duo Diana Nocchiero and Vera Lizzio on September 8th at 8 p.m. Following that, at 9 p.m., the audience will have the opportunity to enjoy the guitar concert Guitarissimo performed by Luciano Pompilio.
This concert will be dedicated to the memory of Professor Ante Skaramuca, adding an emotional dimension to the evening.

The Epidaurus Cavtat Festival invites all music lovers to join us for these special evenings and enjoy unforgettable musical moments in the beautiful setting of Cavtat.

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