Pierre-Laurent Boucharlat dojmio publiku 18. Epidaurus Cavtat Festivala
Nakon emocija Beethovenovih sonata, u Cavtat stižu mladi talenti, zanimljiv duo i vrhunska gitara
Izvanredna večer posvećena klaviru, s vrhunskim francuskim pijanistom Pierre-Laurent Boucharlatom, otvorila je drugi vikend ovogodišnjeg, uistinu bogatog Epidaurus Cavtat Festivala.
Boucharlat je publiku impresionirao dubokom interpretacijom klasičnih djela Ludwiga van Beethovena kroz izvedbe njegovih sonata. Uz tehnički savršene izvedbe, pijanist je dodatno obogatio iskustvo publike dijeleći vlastite dojmove o skladatelju i glazbenom putovanju kroz koje ih je vodio. Na kraju večeri, pijanistica i umjetnička direktorica Epidaurus Cavtat Festivala, Ivana Marija Vidović, vodila je zanimljiv i interaktivan razgovor, spajajući umjetnika i publiku kroz
crtice iz života ovog pijanista jedinstvene glazbene senzibilnosti.
Pierre-Laurent Boucharlat, koji je 2000. godine objavio CD s Chopinovih 24 etida, tada se smjestio među najveća imena umjetnika klasične glazbe. Od tada nastupa diljem Europe, Azije i Sjeverne Amerike, a publika ga cijeni zbog njegove vrhunske tehnike i “francuske elegancije” koja je prisutna u svakoj njegovoj izvedbi.
Osim solo nastupa, Boucharlat je aktivan i kao komorni glazbenik, često surađujući s renomiranim međunarodnim umjetnicima. Njegov repertoar obuhvaća sve, od pijanističkih recitala i orkestralnih koncerata do glazbenih drama i predavanja-koncerata. Posebno je poznat po izvedbama Beethovenovih sonata, dok njegove interpretacije francuskog repertoara 20. stoljeća (Debussy, Fauré, Ravel, Poulenc) redovito izazivaju oduševljenje kritike.
Njegov umjetnički doprinos prepoznali su i suvremeni skladatelji, koji su mu posvetili nekoliko kompozicija. Boucharlat je također umjetnički direktor festivala Musicales en Tricastin te savjetnik za klasičnu koncertnu sezonu grada Ecully.
S ponosom najavljujemo iduće koncerte u sklopu festivala Epidaurus. Publika će upravo večeras imati priliku uživati u nastupima mladih međunarodnih talenata i vrhunskih umjetnika klasične glazbe.
Alessandro Capone & Remo Raimondo Mazzeo
Na sceni će, 7. rujna u Domu kulture Cavtat, s početkom u 19 sati, nastupiti dvojica iznimnih pijanista iz Italije:
Alessandro Capone, glasovir
Pijanist rođen u Brazilu, poznat po iznimnom talentu i tehničkoj vještini. Capone je diplomirao na prestižnom Konzervatoriju ‘San Pietro a Majella’ u Napulju s najvišim ocjenama te je višestruko nagrađivan na međunarodnim natjecanjima. Nastupao je na mnogim festivalima diljem Europe.
Remo Raimondo Mazzeo, glasovir
Mazzeo, rođen u Arianu Irpinu, Italija, poznat je po svojoj virtuoznosti i pedagoškom radu. S diplomom iz klavira s najvišim ocjenama, Mazzeo je redoviti sudionik i pobjednik međunarodnih natjecanja, a također predaje i surađuje s renomiranim glazbenim institucijama.
Dvije Raguse
Koncert glasovirskog dua nazvan Dvije Raguse / The Two Ragusas, posveta ženi (Homage to Women), održat će se u nedjelju, 8. rujna, s početkom u 20 sati u Domu kulture Cavtat.
Diana Nocchiero & Vera Lizzio, dvije pijanistice sa zavidnom međunarodnom karijerom. Obje umjetnice nastupale su u prestižnim dvoranama diljem svijeta, a njihova interpretacija klasičnih djela donosi bogatstvo i snagu zajedničkog muziciranja.
Nakon njihovog nastupa, u 21 sat slijedi koncert pod nazivom GITARISSIMO u izvedbi Luciana Pompilija.
Ovaj vrhunski gitarist, dobitnik brojnih međunarodnih nagrada, izvodit će djela klasičnog gitarskog repertoara. Koncert će biti posvećen sjećanju na Antu Skaramucu, dugogodišnjeg prijatelja i pokrovitelja festival.
Pierre-Laurent Boucharlat impresses the audience at the 18th Epidaurus Cavtat Festival
After the emotions of Beethoven’s sonatas, young talents, a fascinating duo, and a masterful guitar performance will highlight the weekend in Cavtat
An extraordinary evening dedicated to the piano, featuring the renowned French pianist Pierre- Laurent Boucharlat, opened the second weekend of this year’s richly programmed Epidaurus Cavtat Festival.
Boucharlat impressed the audience with his profound interpretation of classical works by Ludwig van Beethoven through performances of his sonatas. In addition to technically perfect renditions, the pianist further enriched the audience’s experience by sharing his personal reflections on the composer and the musical journey he led them through. At the end of the evening, pianist and artistic director of the Epidaurus Cavtat Festival, Ivana Marija Vidović, hosted an engaging and interactive conversation, connecting the artist and the audience through anecdotes from the life of this pianist with a unique musical sensitivity.
Pierre-Laurent Boucharlat, who released a CD of Chopin’s 24 Etudes in 2000, has since established himself among the leading names in classical music. He has performed across Europe, Asia, and North America, and is admired for his superb technique and the “French elegance” present in every one of his performances.
In addition to solo performances, Boucharlat is active as a chamber musician, frequently collaborating with renowned international artists. His repertoire encompasses everything from piano recitals and orchestral concerts to musical dramas and lecture-concerts. He is particularly known for his performances of Beethoven’s sonatas, while his interpretations of 20th-century French repertoire (Debussy, Fauré, Ravel, Poulenc) regularly receive critical acclaim.
His artistic contributions have also been recognized by contemporary composers, who have dedicated several compositions to him. Boucharlat is also the artistic director of the Musicales en Tricastin festival and an advisor for the classical concert season in the city of Ecully.
We are proud to announce the upcoming concerts as part of the Epidaurus Cavtat Festival. Tonight, the audience will have the opportunity to enjoy performances by young international talents and outstanding classical music artists.
Alessandro Capone & Remo Raimondo Mazzeo
On September 7th, at the Cavtat Cultural Center, starting at 7 p.m., two exceptional pianists from Italy will perform:
Alessandro Capone, Piano
A pianist born in Brazil, known for his exceptional talent and technical skill. Capone graduated from the prestigious Conservatory ‘San Pietro a Majella’ in Naples with top honors and has been awarded multiple times in international competitions. He has performed at numerous festivals across Europe.
Remo Raimondo Mazzeo, Piano
Mazzeo, born in Ariano Irpino, Italy, is renowned for his virtuosity and pedagogical work. With a piano degree earned with top honors, Mazzeo is a regular participant and winner of international competitions, and also teaches and collaborates with prominent music institutions.
The Two Ragusas
A concert by the piano duo The Two Ragusas, Homage to Women, will take place on Sunday, September 8th, starting at 8 p.m. at the Cavtat Cultural Center.
Diana Nocchiero & Vera Lizzio – two pianists with distinguished international careers. Both artists have performed in prestigious halls worldwide, and their interpretation of classical works brings a richness and strength to their shared musical expression.
Following their performance, at 9 p.m., a concert titled Guitarissimo will be presented by Luciano Pompili.
This acclaimed guitarist, the recipient of numerous international awards, will perform works from the classical guitar repertoire. The concert will be dedicated to the memory of Ante Skaramuca, a longtime friend and patron of the festival.