Predivna nedjeljna večer na Epidaurus Cavtat Festivalu

Dvije sjajne ‘Raguse’ i jedan ‘Gitarissimo’ koji oduzima dah

Drugi vikend Epidaurus Cavtat Festivala zaključen je s fantastičnim glazbenim programom u Domu kulture Cavtat.

Glasovirski duo Diana Nocchiero i Vera Lizzio otvorile su glazbenu večer izvodeći repertoar na klaviru za četiri ruke pod nazivom ‘Dvije Raguse / The Two Ragusas’. Koncert je nosio i podnaslov ‘Posveta ženi’ što uistinu i jest bio, a publika je to potvrdila dugotrajnim i snažnim pljeskom. Ništa manje bolji nije bio nastup sjajnog gitarskog virtuoza Luciana Pompilija pod nazivom ‘Gitarissimo’. Uistinu prekrasna nedjeljna večer u znaku renomiranih umjetnika i još jedna potvrda izvrsnost i slojevitosti ovog dugotrajnog Festivala pod umjetničkom organizacijom naše renomirane pijanistice Ivane Marije Vidović. Posjetitelji Doma kulture u Cavtatu htjeli su saznati sve o umjetnicima, a mi donosimo dio njihove bogate biografije…

Pijanistica Vera Lizzio započela je studij klavira u ranoj dobi te je diplomirala s najvišim ocjenama na Glazbenom institutu ‘V. Bellini’ u Cataniji. Nastavila je svoje obrazovanje s Laurom Palmieri i Vincenzom Balzanijem te stekla specijalizaciju II. stupnja na Konzervatoriju ‘A. Corelli’ u Messini, diplomirajući s počastima. Lizzio je sudjelovala na mnogim nacionalnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima, uvijek postižući iznimne rezultate. Nastupala je kao solistica i u
komornim sastavima na značajnim glazbenim pozornicama u Italiji i inozemstvu, uključujući nastupe u Auditorium Kauffman u Bruxellesu, Sala Verdi Konzervatorija u Milanu i Amfiteatru Valle degli Dei. Trenutno predaje klavir na Konzervatoriju ‘A. Corelli’ u Messini.

Diana Nocchiero diplomirala je na Državnom konzervatoriju glazbe ‘A. Vivaldi’ u Novari, Italija. Intenzivno nastupa kao solistica i s raznim ansamblima diljem svijeta, uključujući zemlje Europe, Kanadu, SAD, Japan, Singapur, Indoneziju, Argentinu i Urugvaj. Njezini koncerti emitirani su na različitim radiotelevizijskim postajama, a često je članica žirija na nacionalnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima. Također drži majstorske tečajeve u Italiji i inozemstvu.

Gitarist Luciano Pompilio diplomirao je s počastima na Konzervatoriju glazbe ‘U. Giordano’ u Foggiji, Italija. Tijekom svoje karijere osvojio je 15 prvih nagrada na međunarodnim gitarističkim natjecanjima te je poznat po interpretacijama glazbe Agustina Pio Barriosa Mangoréa. Pompilio je izdao devet CD-ova, a njegov album “Tribute” dospio je na top 30 listu iTunesa u Kanadi i Njemačkoj. Gostovao je diljem Europe, Azije i Amerike te je umjetnički direktor nekoliko
prestižnih glazbenih festivala.


A Wonderful Sunday Evening at the Epidaurus Cavtat Festival

Two brilliant ‘Ragusas’ and a breathtaking ‘Gitarissimo’

The second weekend of the Epidaurus Cavtat Festival concluded with a fantastic musical programme at the Cavtat Cultural Center. The piano duo Diana Nocchiero and Vera Lizzio opened the evening, performing a four-hand piano repertoire titled ‘Dvije Raguse / The Two Ragusas.’ The concert also carried the subtitle ‘Homage to Women’ which it truly was, as confirmed by the audience with prolonged and enthusiastic applause. Equally outstanding was the performance of the brilliant guitar virtuoso Luciano Pompilio, titled ‘Gitarissimo’. Indeed, it was a beautiful Sunday evening marked by renowned artists, once again affirming the excellence and depth of this long-standing festival under the artistic direction of our esteemed pianist Ivana Marija Vidović. The audience at the Cavtat Cultural Center was eager to learn more about the artists, and we bring you a glimpse into their rich biographies:

Vera Lizzio

Pianist Vera Lizzio began her piano studies at an early age and graduated with top honors from the “V. Bellini” Music Institute in Catania. She continued her education with Laura Palmieri and Vincenzo Balzani, earning a second-level specialization at the “A. Corelli” Conservatory in Messina, graduating with distinction. Lizzio has participated in numerous national and international competitions, consistently achieving outstanding results. She has performed as a
soloist and in chamber ensembles at significant musical venues in Italy and abroad, including performances at the Kauffman Auditorium in Brussels, the Sala Verdi at the Milan Conservatory, and the Valle degli Dei Amphitheater. She currently teaches piano at the “A. Corelli” Conservatory in Messina.

Diana Nocchiero

Diana Nocchiero graduated from the “A. Vivaldi” State Conservatory of Music in Novara, Italy. She performs extensively as a soloist and with various ensembles around the world, including countries in Europe, Canada, the USA, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Argentina, and Uruguay. Her concerts have been broadcast on various radio and television stations, and she is frequently a jury member at national and international competitions. She also conducts masterclasses in Italy and abroad.

Luciano Pompilio

Guitarist Luciano Pompilio graduated with honors from the “U. Giordano” Music Conservatory in Foggia, Italy. During his career, he has won 15 first prizes at international guitar competitions and is known for his interpretations of the music of Agustín Pío Barrios Mangoré. Pompilio has released nine CDs, with his album “Tribute” reaching the top 30 on the iTunes charts in Canada and Germany. He has performed across Europe, Asia, and America and is the artistic director of several prestigious music festivals.

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